Come In, Let’s Talk Trailer – Morgan Stanley

Written by Amanda

Stacie Hoffmeister: To get ahead what we need is a lot more real talk. We need to hear from women who have made it to the top and we need to know the lessons they’ve learned.

Liz Dennis: Don’t get stuck. Don’t get in the weeds because ultimately as you get more senior, you won’t get credit for that.

Stacie Hoffmeister :We need to know how to use our voice in a way that actually gets us heard, even when we’re the only woman in the room.

Rachel: What I find happens to women all the time is they’re thinking the thoughts, but the men are so busy having the conversation that the clock runs out before they get a time to talk. They hope that maybe someone will ask them for their perspective. That’s not the way the world works. That’s not how people get promoted.

Stacie Hoffmeister: We need to leverage our networks and teams and peers so that they help us, not drain us. And we need to know how not to lose ourselves while we’re doing it.

Lisa Golia: I knew I had to leave, I had to find myself in order for me to be a better executive and a better mother. So that’s what I did. I resigned.

Stacie Hoffmeister: The women to talk to about all this, women who have done it, lived it, and are willing to share how. I’m Stacie Hoffmeister from Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and fostering open conversations with highly successful women is part of what I do, which is why I’m excited to share with you the series of candid groundbreaking talks with some of Morgan Stanley’s most senior managing directors. These are top women on Wall Street. These women are giving it to us straight to help make sure as many other women as possible join them in positions of power.

So here’s what I know about these conversations. They’re told by women who are communal over competitive. They combine generous wisdom and relatable personal stories in a way that’s all too rare, and they’re full of practical lessons that go way beyond our company and even Wall Street. These are the kinds of conversations that demand to be shared with anybody trying to work their way up, and I’m so excited to share them with you on a show that’s all business, but hardly business as you know it. I know you’ll get as much out of each conversation as I have. 

Join us for the first season of Come In, Let’s Talk.

Source: morganstanley.com

About the author


Hi there, I am Amanda and I work as an editor at impactinvesting.ai;  if you are interested in my services, please reach me at amanda.impactinvesting.ai