Today at Elon / Business Fellows Class of 2022 begin professional journeys – Today at Elon

Written by Amanda

The recent graduates join organizations such as Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC and Wells Fargo.

Members of the Business Fellows Class of 2022 graduated from Elon with degrees in accounting, business analytics, economics, finance and marketing. They’re now beginning careers in areas such as audit, assurance, business consulting, data analysis, financial services and investment banking.

This summer they join ALKU, Arietis Health, Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, Reynolds American, T. Price Rowe, Three Ships and Wells Fargo in locations across the country, including Boston, Chicago, Charlotte, N.C., Denver, New York, Philadelphia, and Raleigh, N.C.

In a May medallion ceremony with family, friends, and faculty in attendance, the fellows reflected on their program experiences. Highlights included cohort classes, a Winter Term global study experience in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, a networking trip to Washington, D.C., and the leadership, support and encouragement from the program’s director, Lincoln Financial Professor of Economics Tina Das.

The fellows, who organized the ceremony, also shared their senior capstone accomplishments. Those in the consulting seminar, taught by Dean Raghu Tadepalli, worked through cases studies and gained insights from guest speakers who work in consulting.

“We were introduced to a new method of thinking, encouraging us to learn how to ask the right questions about a problem, rather than immediately trying to find a solution,” Payton Lukes ’22 said.

The consulting group’s semester-long project involved conducting research and creating deliverables to communicate the warning signs of sex trafficking, how to prevent the crime and available resources for victims and their families.

The fellows in the portfolio management seminar, led by Professor Raj Gupta, managed a portfolio of almost $500,000 of endowment funds. Throughout the year, the fellows pitched stocks to each other and decided as a team which to buy and sell.

The group outperformed the Nasdaq by 14% and underperformed the S&P by 2%.

“Our investments portfolio class was a great way for our us to dive in and gain real world experience in the world of investments,” Jess Joblin ’22 said.

A common theme throughout the fellows’ remarks focused on community and the supportive relationships formed from the program.

“This community we created allowed us to make mistakes,” Liam O’Connor ’22 shared during closing remarks. “This community forced us to be better students, friends and people.”

“For a group that has always pushed each other to be their best while never putting others down in the process, you all are the people that I can call my closest friends,” Meredith MacKenzie ’22 said to the cohort.

Business Fellows Class of 2022

Matthew Adamowicz

Gabriel Barson

Kaitlin Bauer

Jacqueline Baumann

Katie Becker

Madeline Cooper

Nicholas Davenport

William Davies

Adam DuBowy

William Farnam

John Gardner

Samantha Hebert

Natalie Ivanov

Jessica Joblin

Andrew King

Gautam Kotwal

Payton Lukes

Meredith MacKenzie

Caroline McGillivray

Maura McNeil

Robert Meehan Jr.

Olivia Mubarek

Liam O’Connor

Andrew Perez

Campbell Shepard

Chadwick Spears

Andrew Stafford

Brett Thompson

Will Waggoner

Source: elon.edu

About the author


Hi there, I am Amanda and I work as an editor at impactinvesting.ai;  if you are interested in my services, please reach me at amanda.impactinvesting.ai