Bottom-up research of 120 Asia-Pacific Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation submarkets
WASHINGTON, DC, U.S., July 7, 2022 / — The new market report (407 pages, 356 tables & figures) published by HSRC, Asia-Pacific Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Market & Technologies – 2022-2030 – With Corona & COP26 Impacts, concludes that the 2022–2030 market growth is driven by the following factors:
• The region emits the largest volume of GHG, producing about 50% the global carbon dioxide.
• The invasion of Ukraine has raised the cost of natural gas and oil prices have pushed heating bills higher. Similarly, the cost of transportation is moving higher as fuel becomes more expensive, resulting in higher investments in climate change mitigation.
• The May – June 2022 heatwaves, that affected more than 500 million people across the globe, drive public and government understanding that climate change must be addressed as soon as possible
• China, the world largest, and India, the third largest, as well as other large emitters, will have to make large efforts to reduce emissions if climate change is to be kept to the COP26 goals.
• It’s not hard to see that what the region does to control climate change will be literally felt across the globe.
• Extreme weather events are expected to intensify. On average, 43,000 people in Asia-Pacific are killed in storms, floods, and landslides each year.
• South Asia countries are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Extreme climate-related events – heatwaves, storms, floods, fires and droughts – affect more than half of the region’s population every year and continue to burden South Asian economies.
• China is the world’s largest renewable energy producer and the largest producer of hydroelectricity, solar power and wind power.
The report contains a thorough analysis of 16 sectors, 60 technology, 11 national and 5 revenue source markets, detailing 120 markets.
What does the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Market & Technologies – 2022-2030 – With Corona & COP26 Impacts report give you?
A. The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation market size data is analyzed via four independent perspectives.
1. By 60 Asia-Pacific Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Technologies and Services:
Biological Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Carbon Capture & Storage, Carbon Capture & Utilization, Hydroelectric Power, Geothermal Power Generation, Direct Geothermal Heating & Cooling , Bioenergy, Marine Power, Solar PV (Utility Scale), Rooftop Solar PV, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP), Direct Solar Water Heating, Offshore Wind Power, Energy-Efficient Electric Appliances (w/o ACR), Air Sourced Heat Pumps, Passenger BEV Cars, Two & Three-Wheeler BEVs, Freight BEVs, Electric Buses, Other BEVs, EV Charging Systems, Hydrogen Vehicles, Hydrogen Electrolyzes, Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure, Green Hydrogen Production, Methane Abatement, Green Cement, Green Steel, Passive Green Buildings, Grid Modernization, Desalination Plants Onshore Wind Power, Nuclear Energy Plants > 1 GW, Small Nuclear Reactors , Other Renewable Energy, Grid-Scale Battery Storage, Thermal Energy Storage, Compressed-Air Storage, Hydroelectric Energy Storage , Other Energy Storage Modalities, Waste to Energy Plants, Low Carbon Fuels Manufacturing Plants, Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning & Refrigeration (ACR), Precision Agriculture, Regenerative agriculture, Climate Adapted Water Infrastructure, Water Redeemable Systems, Precision Irrigation, Climate Adapted Agriculture, Reforestation, Bioremediation, Floods Control, Wildfire Mitigation, Weather Monitoring, Modeling & Forecasting, Extreme Weather Public Warning Systems, GHG Emission Tracking, Big Data & AI, Cybersecurity, ICT (W/O Cyber, AI, Big Data), Other.
2. By 5 Revenue Source Markets:
• Infrastructure
• Product Sales
• Maintenance
• Upgrades
• Other
3. By 16 Sectors:
• GHG Capture
• Renewable Energy
• Energy Storage
• Zero Emission Electric Utility Plants
• Green Fuel Production Plants
• Passive & Active Heating and Cooling
• Electric Vehicles Fleet
• Hydrogen Economy
• Green Materials
• Agriculture, Forests & Land
• Water
• Energy Efficient Buildings
• Extreme Weather Events Mitigation
• Software
• Electric Grid
• Other Sectors
4. By 11 Countries
• Australia
• China
• India
• Indonesia
• Japan
• Kazakhstan
• Philippines
• South Korea
• Thailand
• Vietnam
• Rest of Asia-Pacific
B. Detailed market analysis frameworks are provided, including:
• Market drivers & inhibitors
• Business opportunities
• SWOT analysis
• Competitive analysis
• Business environment
• The 2020-2030 market
• Industry Value Chain
• Financing & Loans
• Governmental R&D Funding
C. Companies mentioned in the report:
7c Solarparken, Aalborg CSP, ABB Environmental Services Inc., Abengoa, ABN AMRO, ABO Wind, Access Power, Acciona, ACTIAM, ACWA Power, Advanced Cyclone Systems, S.A., Aeroqual, Ag Leader Technology, AGCO Corporation, AgJunction, Inc., AIMCo, Airmar Technology Corporation, Aker Clean Carbon AS, Alectris, Alfa Laval, All Weather, Inc, Alstom Energy, Altogen Labs, Alumasc Group Plc, AMEA Power, Ameret Llc, Amvik Systems, Andritz Hydro, Ansaldo Energia, APG, Aquatech International, Areva, Argenta Banken Verzekeringsgroep nv, Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc, Atb Riva Calzoni, AVTECH, Azelio, Azure Power, B Fouress, Ballard Power Systems, Banpro, Grupo Promerica, BASF SE, Basler Kantonalbank, Bauder Limited, BayernLB, BBVA, BDR Thermea, Berner Kantonalbank AG BEKB, Bester Energy, BHEL, Binderholz GmbH, Bioactive Services Inc., Bioremediation Consulting Inc., Bioremedy Pty. Ltd., Biwater, BlackRock, Boralex Inc, Bornay , Bosch Thermotechnology, Boston Consulting Group, BrightSource Energy, Brookfield Renewable Partners, BRUKS Siwertell, BTG Pactual, Bündnis Bürgerenergie, Caixabank, SA, Campbell Scientific , Canadian Solar, Inc, Carbon Clean Solutions, Cardano, Carrier Corporation, Carus Corp., CDC Group, CertainTeed Corporation, China Guodian Corporation , China HuaNeng Group, Chinese Renewable Energy, CIBC, CIMB Group Holdings Berhad, CKD Blansko, Coastal Enterprises, Inc, Cobra, Columbia Weather Systems, Comerica, Inc, Compte.R., ConocoPhillips Company, Cooperativa Abaco, Coopeservidores RL, Couldberry Clean Energy, CropMetrics LLC, CRRC , CSIC , Daikin Industries Ltd., Dakota Gasification, Deere and Company, Desjardins Group, Detroit Stoker Company, Dii Desert Energy, Dongfang Electric, Doosan heavy industries & construction, Doosan , Dow, Drylet Llc, Dulas, Dutch Marine Energy Centre, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Eco Blue Bioremediation Canada, Ecology Building Society, ECOWAS Centre for Renewable, EDP Renováveis, S.A., Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), EG&G Inc., EIG Global Energy Partners, EKO energy, Elecon Engineering , Emerson, ENEL Green Power (EGP), Enercon , ENERGIA, Energiekontor AG, Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), Energy Innovations (UK), Energy Watch Group, Enessere , Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd., Enphase Energy, Envira, Envirogen Technologies Inc., Environment Development, Envision Energy , Enviva, eSolar, Evergreen Engineering, Evoqua Water Technologies, Falck Renewables, Ferrovial, FinDev Canada, Finergreen, First National Energy Corp, First Solar Holding, LLC, FirstRand Group Ltd, Fisia Italimpianti, Fiton Group, Flibe Energy, Flovel Energy Private Limited, Fluence, Fluor Corporation, FMO, Forbo International SA, FTI Consulting, Fuji Electric, Fuji Heavy Industries , Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica, Ganz EEPM, Garioni Naval (Italy), General Electric, Genesis Water Technologies, Geothermal Energy Nordic AS (gtml), Geovation Engineering P.C., GFZ Helmholtz Zentrum Potsdam, Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Ltd, GlassPoint Solar, Global Hydro Energy, Global Solar Council (GSC), Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), Gold Standard, Goldwind, Graded, Gradko, Greenera Energy India Pvt, Greenpeace International, GUGLER, Halliburton, Hangzhou Boiler (China), Hanjin , Hannon Armstrong, Hanwell Solutions, Hanwha Asset Management, HEITRONICS, Hitachi, Hi-VAWT , Hivos, Honeywell, HS Orka, HSBC Holdings PLC, HTCO2 Systems, Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc., Husk Power Systems, Hyosung , Hyundai Heavy Industries , Iberdrola SA, ICLEI – Local Governments, IDE Technologies, Infigen Energy, Ingersoll-Rand PLC, Inox Wind , Interface Inc., Interra Global Corporation, iSun, Ivey International Inc., Japan Steel Works , John King Chains USA, JRW Bioremediation Llc, Justsen Energiteknik (Denmark), Kankyo Cleantech Llp, KBC Group, kiloWattsol, Kingspan Group plc, Koch Separation Solutions, Kohlbach Group (Austria), Kolektor Turboinstitut, Končar , Lafarge, Lambda Bioremediation Systems Inc., LAMBION Energy Solutions (Germany), Limited, Lekela Power, Lhoist UK Ltd/Tradical, Linde Engineering, Lointek, Longyuan Power, Lufft Mess-und Regeltechnik , Machine Sazi Arak , MagNet Hungarian Community Bank, Mainstream Renewable Power, MAKE/Wood Mackenzie, Makona Hardware and Industrial (Pty.) Ltd., Mali Folkecenter, Mapna , Masdar, Mavel, MENA, Metito, Microgen Biotech Ltd., Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, MN, Modine, Moltex Energy, Morcom International, Morgan Stanley, Mouser Electronics, MS Energy Solutions Ltd, Mujeres en Energía Renovable, Münchener Verein Versicherung, National Fiber, NatWest Group, Neoen, Netherlands Wind Energy, Network Consulting Group, Network for the 21st Century (REN21), New Energy Nexus, NIBC Holding NV, Nibe Industrier, NN Group, Nordex SE , Nordic Folkecenter, Novatec, Novozymes, Ocean Energy Asia-Pacific, Ocean Power Technologies, Inc, OCHSNER Warmepumpen, Oil Spill Eater International Corp., Ontario Sustainable Energy, Opsis, Ormat Technologies Inc., Owens Corning, PacWind , Pall Corporation, Panasonic Corporation, Phanes Group, Phoenix Group, PIDG – The Private Infrastructure Development Group Ltd, PlanetEnergy, PostFinance AG, PPG Industries, Practical Action, Primus windpower, Probiosphere Inc., ProcessBarron, Produbanco, PV Crystalox Solar, plc, QM Environmental International B.V., quietrevolution , Qway Energy, Rabobank, Rackam, Rahimafrooz Renewable, Raise Green, Inc, Raven Industries Inc., RE100/The Climate Group, RedBuilt, LLC, Renovagen Ltd., Revelle Group, REVOLVE, Reward Wall Systems, Rioglass Solar, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation, RNAS Remediation Products, RNHB BV, Robeco, Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch Thermotechnology Corporation), Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), Rotronic, RRB Energy Limited , Ryse Energy, SAC Apoyo Integral, SA, Safbon Water Technology, Samorka, tbc, SANY , Sasol Limited, Schneider Electric, Schott, SENER, SER Colombia, Sevenson Environmental Services Inc., SGS Weather, Shams Power, Shandong Sukahan Bio-Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Electric , Shell Cansolv, Shinhan Financial Group, Siemens, Sinovel , Skye Instruments, Skypower, SMA Solar Technology, Smp drilling, tbc, SNC-Lavalin, Solar Euromed, Solar Head of State, SolarCoin Foundation, SolarEdge Technologies, Inc, Solarlite, SolarPower Asia-Pacific, SolarReserve, SolarWorld AG, Soliterm Group, Sopogy Micro CSP, SoyutWind, Statoil ASA, Stichting Pensioenfonds Metaal en Techniek (PMT), Stichting Pensioenfonds van de Metalektro (PME), Stiebel Eltron, Structurlam Products Ltd., STX Windpower, SUEZ, Summit Carbon Capture, Sunlabob Renewable Energy, SunPower Corporation, Sunrun, Sutron Corporation, Suzlon , Syndicat des Énergies, Synex International, TCXFund, TECO , TERI School of Advanced Studies, Terna Energy, Terra Power, Terrestrial Energy, TES Vsetín, Tesla, Inc., Tesup , The Glen Dimplex Group, The Nature Conservancy, The Weather Company , ThermoFisher Scientific, ThorCon Power, Topcon Corporation, Torresol Energy, Torxx Kinetic Pulverizer, Toshiba, Trane, Transatomic Power Corporation, Trident Environmental Llc, Trimble, Inc., Trina Solar, TUGE Energia , TVP Solar, UGE International, LTD, UNISON , Urban Green Energy , Vaillant, Vaisala, Van Lanschot Kempen, Vancity, Vasudha Foundation, VEOLIA, Verde Environmental Group, Vergnet , Vestas Wind Systems, Viessmann Group, Voith GmbH, VSECU, Vulcan Energie Ressourcen GmbH, tbc, WABAG, WaterPower Canada, WEG , Wellons , Western Power, WETICO (Water & Environment Technologies), WindForce, Wizard Power, Wolf Material Handling Systems, Wuxi Huaguang Boiler (China), WWF-Emirates Nature WPO, XacBank, Xant , Xylem (YSI), Yansa Group, Yeager Energy B.V., Yellow Door Energy, Zhejiang Jinlun Electromechanic, Zhengzhou Boiler, Zhuhai Wangyang Water Treatment Equipment
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